
Local Bike Groups

Our Local Bike Groups draw on neighbourhood-level expertise to help us refine plans for the city’s bike network, identify and engage local stakeholders, and help us fulfill our role as a stakeholder in various city projects related to the bike network.

LBGs actively engage the public by organizing local events and displays that introduce people to local bike routes and connections, local shops and attractions, and generally encourage people to get out on their bikes.

The area covered by each local bike group mirrors the city of Winnipeg’s 5 community committees (City Centre, Assiniboia, Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan, East Kildonan-Transcona, and the Riel Community Committee). Each of these committees is made up of 3 council wards. Come join us!

If you’re interested in joining a Local Bike Group hit the email link for the group that suits you to find out about meetings schedules, rides and more!

City Centre CityCentre.LBG@bikewinnipeg.ca

North West NorthWest.LBG@bikewinnipeg.ca

North East NorthEast.LBG@bikewinnipeg.ca

South West SouthWest.LBG@bikewinnipeg.ca

South East SouthEast.LBG@bikewinnipeg.ca